"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." – Proverbs 13:12

Find renewed hope and healing at the Blessed Family Recovery Summit. Join us to discover God's presence in the midst of addiction and experience the fulfillment that brings life and peace.


Rebekah Scott

Coach | Speaker | Author | Host of The Encourager Podcast

Craig Brown

Author | Speaker | Recovery Pastor |

Host of the Stop Hiding Start Healing Podcast

Logan Hufford

Sexual Addiction Recovery Mentor

Amy Edwards

TNMI Certified Coach | Mental Health Coach | Positive Intelligence Coach | Licensed Choose Freedom Coach | and a Certified Marriage 2.0 Coach.

Ellie Saxer

Professional Speaker | Executive Coach

Julie Sanford

Recovery Mentor for Christian Wives of Alcoholics | Host of the Married to Addiction Podcast

Hilary Morris

Success Coach | Host of the Firestarters Podcast

Shauna Sommer

Certified Success Coach | Co-host of the Rock Bottoms Up Podcast

Daryl Dittmer

Author |

Speaker | Host of the When I Stop Fighting Podcast

Chad Sommer

Addiction Recovery Advocate | Speaker | Host of the Rock Bottoms Up Podcast

Dr. Bill Senyard

President of Gospel App Ministries | Biblical Scholar | Author | Host of the Gospel Rant Podcast

Caleigh Weichbrodt


Rev. Tom Friedrichs CPLC, ACC

Christian Leadership Coach

Regis & Connie Weiss

Co-Founders of New Creations Transitional Living Ministry and Ministry Leaders of Celebrate Recovery Metropolitan Tabernacle

Anna McLaughlin

Coach | Podcast Host | Encourager | Strategist

Melissa Huray

Executive Director | Host

"I felt so understood and supported. The summit gave me faith to keep going." – Emily W.


October 24th, 2024

Working through 5 Simple Systems to Do Life Better and with More JOY!

with Rebekah Scott

Stop Hiding, Start Healing

with Craig Brown

When You Quit Drinking and Your Spouse Doesn’t?

with Amy Edwards

Stop Being Triggered - How to Help Yourself When Others Don’t Want to Change

with Julie Sanford

Marriage, Addiction, and Faith: Finding God’s Heart as the Wife of an Addict

with Julie Sanford

Love Prevails

with Regis & Connie Weiss


October 25th, 2024

Sexual Addiction Awareness & Recovery Tools

with Logan Hufford

Uncomfortable Reflections

with Ellie Saxer

Firestarter; Ordinary Women Doing Extraordinary Things as They Step Out in Faith!

with Hilary Morris

No Smoke and Mirrors: The Gritty Reality of Transformation

with Shauna Sommer

My Journey to Faith and Belief: How God "Appears" to Me

with Daryl Dittmer


October 26th, 2024

How Good Fantasy Stories Can Make Your Teen Thrive

with Dr. Bill Senyard

Freedom from Addiction & Spiritual Growth Speaker at Gather & Grow Ministries

with Caleigh Weichbrodt

Addiction and the Clergy

with Rev. Tom Friedrichs

Gods unrelenting Love: Healing and Recovery after brokenness

with Chad Sommer

⏩ Living Your Purpose When Life is Crazy

with Anna McLaughlin

“Hearing from other wives who’ve been through it made me feel less alone. The summit gave me hope that healing is possible, even when things feel impossible.”

— Megan L.

What You Need to Know:


The Blessed Family Recovery Virtual Summit will take place from October 24-26, featuring a range of inspiring interviews each day.


Tune in from anywhere with an internet connection—no matter where you are, you can join us!


Each interview will include two segments: the speaker's personal story and their topic. All interviews will be available for 24 hours


Join our private community to connect with others who share your journey and find support and encouragement.


Engage with the summit for a chance to win exciting prizes! Participate in our RAFFLE and giveaways. Entries are already being awarded in the community—don’t miss out!


Upgrade to the All Access Pass after registration to enjoy extended interview access, a private podcast for on-the-go listening, and exclusive bonuses from our speakers. You won’t want to miss these special perks!


Who doesn’t love free? To make this event accessible to everyone, registration is absolutely FREE!


All summit presentations are pre-recorded and available to watch for 24 hours on their release day. Enjoy the flexibility to watch at your convenience!


Watch the entire summit online from the comfort of your office, coffee shop, or home (pajamas are perfectly acceptable)!

Hi, I’m Tanya Gioia—wife, mom, podcaster, and family recovery coach.

My own journey with addiction includes encounters with cops, courts, and—believe it or not—chickens (a lot of chickens)!

Many years ago, after tucking my two young boys into bed, I found myself surfing the internet in search of hope.

I created this summit to offer that hope to other families who feel confused, alone, and afraid while navigating the chaos that addiction brings into their lives.

The authors, podcasters, and influencers speaking at the Blessed Family Recovery Summit are the support network I wish I could have plugged into over 13 years ago.

Bringing the Blessed Family Summit to life is a mission of love from my family to yours.

May you find peace this fall season, and remember, you are never alone—God walks with you through every trial.

I’m so glad you are here!

-Blessed Family Recovery Summit Host

Curious how life could transform with the support of expert help and hope?

You’ve faced the challenges, but now you're wondering how things could change if expert help and God’s faith were part of your journey.


Strengthened Connection:

You will experience the deep refilling of God’s love so that you can continue to lovingly connect with those around you.

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”

1 John 4:16

Improved Communication:

Learn how to stop being the “bad guy” in your relationship with your struggling loved one. Embrace new ways to set boundaries and show love at the same time.

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.”

1 Corinthians 13:1

Rebuild Trust:

Experience placing all your trust in your Heavenly Father. By placing your trust in the one who is completely trustworthy, you will learn to trust yourself again.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”

Proverbs 3:5

Less Anxiety:

Strengthen your belief that God’s got this with fresh tools to support your loved one.

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:7

Healthy Boundaries:

Are you exhausted, overwhelmed, or just plain worn out?
It is not unchristian to require people to treat you in healthy ways. Develop Godly boundaries! Learn to do it His way!

“You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

Genesis 2:16-17

Embrace Hope

Have you forgotten the taste of joy in this season of addiction? Join us to drink from the well that never runs dry.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Romans 15:13

The 2nd Annual

Blessed Family Recovery Summit

Get ready to transform your life with the best resources and experts all in one place—this is the event that could change everything.



Expert-Led Sessions

Join inspiring talks from leading voices in the recovery community, right from the comfort of your home. Gain actionable insights and heartfelt encouragement to support your journey and bring hope to your family.


Supportive Community

Connect with others who truly understand the challenges of being a loved one of someone struggling with addiction. Build a network of support and encouragement as you navigate this journey together.


Virtual Goody Bag

Access our virtual goody bag filled with exclusive resources and offers designed to support your family’s recovery journey. Discover tools, books, and services from trusted sources that align with faith and recovery.


Enter the Raffle!

Join our Facebook group and participate in the raffle for a chance to win exciting giveaways and prizes. It’s a fun way to enhance your summit experience and connect with others in the community.

How does this sound?


  • Gain a clearer vision of how to support your loved one through addiction, with the confidence to navigate the journey with purpose and faith.
  • Walk away with actionable strategies and resources that make the challenges of addiction recovery easier to manage and more fulfilling for you and your family.
  • Build meaningful connections with a supportive community that truly understands the struggles of being a loved one of an addict, and shares your hopes for healing and recovery.
  • Feel inspired and motivated to continue supporting your loved one, knowing you’re not alone—God is with you through every step of the journey.
  • Discover fresh insights and perspectives that challenge old ways of thinking and open up new possibilities for healing and growth, both for you and your loved one.




  • No. 01 – Get Your Free Ticket

Sign up to secure your spot! Once registered, you'll receive all the notifications and updates you need to participate in the summit.

  • No. 02 – Join the Circle

Step into our supportive Facebook group, where you can connect, share, and grow with others who are walking the same path as loved ones of addicts.

  • No. 03 – Mark Your Calendar

Inside the Facebook group, you’ll find all the events listed. RSVP and add them to your calendar so you don’t miss any of the powerful sessions


  • You want to stay on the roller coaster of emotions trying to handle an addicted loved one on your own.

  • You enjoy staying stuck in the story of “if he/she would just do ….”

  • You enjoy being the “bad guy” in your relationships.

  • You believe it’s no big deal and that if you just love more, work harder, or reduce your neediness, they will get better.

  • You think this is not your problem, it’s “their” problem, and they should just straighten up and act right.


  • You want to love unconditionally and have clear boundaries.

  • You believe God has a plan and clearly wants our best and highest good.

  • You are struggling with unrealistic expectations and are ready to change that way of thinking.

  • Finding your identity in Christ again is important to you.

  • You need relief and hope from the daily struggle of living with addiction.

Still have questions? We have answers!

Who is this summit for?

The Blessed Family Recovery Summit is designed for loved ones of individuals facing addiction. If you are supporting someone on their journey to recovery, this summit is crafted especially for you.

When is this thing happening?

The Blessed Family Recovery Summit will run from October 24 -26 with a variety of interviews to choose from each day.

What if my loved one is not currently in recovery? Can I still attend?

Absolutely! The Blessed Family Recovery Summit welcomes anyone who has a loved one facing addiction, regardless of whether your loved one is currently in recovery or not. Our goal is to provide support, insights, and inspiration to those navigating the challenges of supporting someone through addiction. Whether your loved one is in the early stages of recovery, considering it, or not in recovery yet, you’ll find valuable information and a supportive community during the summit. Join us to gain valuable insights and connect with others who understand and share similar experiences.

Are the presentations live?

To avoid tech glitches, give you the best possible experience, and keep things easy for the speakers, the presentations are pre-recorded and will be released at a scheduled time during the summit. However, the speakers will be hanging out in our private Facebook group with dedicated threads where you can connect with them and ask your questions! There will also be opportunities to join us for bonus live events throughout the week.

What if I’m not able to attend live?

While most of the presentations for the summit are pre-recorded, there are some live elements, and the pre-recorded presentations are only available for 24 hours with your free ticket. So we encourage you to attend live if you can! We would love for you to set aside some time during the summit week to attend the live sessions, watch the pre-recorded presentations, and participate with others who are making plans to scale their signature course sales with a summit right alongside you.

However, if you’re not able to attend all of the sessions live, go ahead and grab your free ticket, and you’ll have the opportunity to upgrade to the All-Access Pass for extended access.

How long will the videos be available?

Each interview will be available for 24 hours after its initial broadcast. If you miss any, you can consider our All Access Holiday Pass for extended access.

Will all the speakers get my email address?

No, your privacy is important to us. Only if you choose to opt-in during registration will your email be shared with speakers. Rest assured, your information is handled with the utmost confidentiality.

Are you still accepting speakers?

All of our speakers for this summit have been hand-picked and our slots are currently full. If you are interested in speaking at future events please fill out this form.

I still have questions!

If you still have questions, we encourage you to go ahead and sign up. Your questions will likely be answered during the event or in the Facebook community, which you’ll be able to join right away after grabbing your free ticket.

However, if you need to ask us a question before registering, feel free to send us an email at hello@tanyagioia.com.

Don't miss this opportunity

Let’s do this!

By joining the Blessed Family Recovery Summit, you’ll gain access to expert insights, practical tools, and a supportive community—all designed to help you navigate the challenges of loving someone battling addiction. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your journey and discover what’s possible when you invite God’s guidance into your life. Register now and take the first step toward a brighter, more hopeful future for both you and your loved one.